Audit Representation
Audits are among the most feared IRS actions a taxpayer can
face. Whether personal or business, the thought of an IRS agent combing
through your tax documents gives many taxpayers nightmares. This fear is
certainly understandable considering the time and effort required in responding
to an audit as well as the concern that a large liability looms at the
conclusion of the process. Many taxpayers instinctively reach out to
their return preparer when notified that their return has been selected for
audit. Many times this is the wrong approach as there is often times an
inherent conflict of interest when the return preparer himself has to answer
the auditor's questions regarding how the return was prepared. My advice
to prospective clients is usually to obtain representation from a competent
representative who was not involved in the preparation of the tax return.
In the event a taxpayer is unhappy with the results of an audit, it is
important to consult with a competent tax professional for advice on Audit Appeals
or Audit Reconsideration.
Marc D. Marsico, Esq., has been representing individuals and
businesses in audits for the past 20 years. Often times it is the CPA or
account who reaches out to Mr. Marsico to request representation services,
especially in those complex audits with multiple issues or potential criminal